Tagged: Devil’s Workshop


Bass Naberius: The Devil’s Workshop

Look, I made another thing! Down in the obsessive charred ember I call a heart, I needed a five string bass. I really wanted a bass that spoke “Metal” to me and, in my...


Jazzy Wood: The Devils Workshop

  I have a mountain of projects I want to do and a 14 day quarantine allowed me a little extra time to work on things. While I still worked from home, I gained...

Sabbath Bassey Sabbath: The Devil’s Workshop

A while back I decided to pick up the Bass again after a quarter of a century of not playing. Way back in the day I was friends with some folks who were in...


OuijBG: The Devil’s Workshop

In Works of Labour or of Skill I would be busy too: For Satan finds some mischief still for idle Hands to do. — Isaac Watts 1715 At the start of the year just...

Witch’s Jawbone… Er, Skull

  Every once in a while I feel romantic and want to make something special for the Pretty One. Some of you may remember the Blood of the Innocent cocktail and Child Skull Goblet...