Judgment Day!

1 1/2 oz La Caravedo Pisco Puro Quebranta
1/2 oz St. Germain Elderflower Liqueur
1/2 oz Lemon Juice
1/2 oz Lime Juice
1 Egg White
2 drizzles Bitter Truth Pimento Bitters
1 rinse Absinthe Apocalypse

Rinse a chilled Coupe glass with Absinthe and set aside. Dry shake everything else but the Bitters, then add ice and shake again. Strain into the Coupe glass and garnish with the Bitters.

The nations raged, but your wrath has come, and the time for judging the dead, for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints and all who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying those who destroy the earth.

Repent, for Judgement Day is upon us and all are doomed!!!!… wait, it’s just Pisco Sour Day, at least in Peru, so I guess it could be Judgement Day somewhere else. In Green Jenkin’s Walk in Closet Home Bar, we’ll just celebrate another Drinking Holiday and watch the world burn.

In searching for something to do with the bottle of Pisco I haven’t touched since the last time I celebrated Pisco Sour Day, I came across this variation from The PDT Cocktail Book that even included an Absinthe rinse. I like this much more than the standard Sour. It has that wonderful egg-white cocktail body with a lovely aroma of flours and spice, though I may have added a bit more Bitters to make the full inverted cross on the foam.

I found it most appropriate to use the otherwise unopened Absinthe Apocalypse that I’ll post more about a little later. I do, however, admit to still knowing nothing about Pisco and have no idea if La Caravedo Pisco Puro Quebranta is a good representation of the spirit. There weren’t too many choices in the store when I went looking for some a while back so I got what I got. That said, early a third of the bottle is empty though I don’t remember making anything since the Pisco Sour a couple years ago. Hrmmmm.

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