The Tesserac

2 oz London No. 1 Gin
1/4 oz Blue Curaçao
1 bsp Simple Syrup
1-2 dashes Hella Bitters Ginger Lemon
rinse Lucid Absinthe

Stir first four ingredients with ice and strain into an Absinthe rinsed Old Fashioned glass. Finish with a Lemon Twist, discarding the peel after. Will the Cube to make you a part of—and therefore in control of—everything.

Named after a Tesseracta Cosmic Cube of great power suffused with reality warping energies of unknown composition that was introduced to comics in the 60’s by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, these glowing blue MacGuffin stones have fueled plotlines for slightly longer than I’ve been alive – and a Sazerac. I figured I’d base the Tesserac on the Wink which is basically a Gin variation of the Sazerac, mainly because I could use blue Gin. 

Read the original post here.

“I’ve seen worlds you’ve never known about! I have grown, Odin’s Son, in my exile! I have seen the true power of the Tesseract” – Loki