Three Blind Monks on National Liqueur Day

3/4 oz Green Chartreuse
3/4 oz Benedictine
3/4 oz Frangelico
2 dashes Hella Bitters Lemon Ginger (as garnish)

Stir liqueurs vigorously with ice and strain into a chilled Goblet or Snifter. Garnish with bitters.

Today, it seems is National Liqueur Day and I was wholly unprepared. Between work and Drawlloween I nearly missed this and didn’t really give it the proper thought. This Three Blind Monks is a concept I’ve had for a little while that I haven’t given much time to flesh out yet, but here it is.

All three of these liqueurs boldly try to take control of your taste buds here and it seems that each of these liqueurs parades its way across your tongue, starting with the sharp, herbal Chartreuse that briefly lets up for the Benedictine before the Frangelico just overpowers the finish leaving you with an over-sweet nuttiness.

This isn’t great yet, but there is potential for… something. Extra dilution is important here. Even though none of these are very high in alcohol content, they all have flavors that try to out-do each other. This was a last minute attempt at the first try of a concept and I wouldn’t recommend making it as it is. Perhaps something more agreeable should be swapped for something else… maybe it will be revisited.


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