Negroni Week Day 7: Eeyore’s Requiem

1 1/2 oz Campari
1/2 oz OMG Gin
1/4 oz Cynar
1/4 oz Fernet Branca
1 oz Dolin Blanc Vermouth
1+ dash Hella Bitters Orange

Stir everything with ice and strain into a chilled Coupe glass. Express the oils from the three orange twists then discard them.

We end Negroni Week with something that is not a Negroni though it’s much touted as a drink every Negroni lover should try. It’s a phenomenal example of taking things too far to the point that too far seems nice and close… and warmly bitter. There is so many strong flavors vying for your undivided attention yet somehow they end up dancing around in your mouth, spinning around in all of their flamboyant bitterness like the waltzing damned (Hmmm… I may need to save that one for a drink name).

Maybe it’s because of the Negroni overload this week, but this particular Eeyore’s Requiem turned out really fantastic if I do say so myself. Generally drinks just taste better if someone else prepares them (and there is a bit of science behind that). Maybe it’s the Gin since I wouldn’t swap out any of the other ingredients. It is a good goddamned Gin.

That’s it for Negroni Week. I hope some of you went out and had one, especially at a participating bar. Unlike me, I’m cheap and haven’t brought myself to hit up too many places here in town without company.

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